April 3, 2024
School News
• Monday, April 8, 2024 is an E-Learning Day. Every student will receive a complimentary pair of eclipse sunglasses and a family activity packet to learn about and experience the eclipse! See you back in school on Tuesday, April 9.
• Congratulations to A.J. Duge for winning the Yearbook Cover Contest! A.J.’s design will be featured on the front cover of our OLG 2023-24 yearbook.
• Yearbooks - Every family enrolling for NEXT school year receives one soft cover yearbook. If you are registered to come to OLG next year, your family will receive one (1) of this year’s soft cover yearbooks because it is now included in your registration. Yearbooks will be distributed in the fall.
Only order if you need an extra copy or would like to add upgrades/enhancements, or if you are an 8th grader or not enrolling for ‘24-’25.
To order additional soft cover yearbooks or for non-returning students: ybpay.lifetouch.com Use our code 8880224. Order deadline is May 23.
• Choice Scholarship (Voucher) - In order to receive the Choice Scholarship/Voucher for 2024-25 for your child/children entering Kindergarten through 8th grade, we need a copy of pages 1 and 2 of your 2023 Federal Tax Form 1040. If there are multiple dependents listed on the additional page, we need that also. You can email to Mr. Clady (kclady@ol-g.org), Mrs. McManus (jmcmanus@ol-g.org), the school office (office@ol-g.org) or drop off at the school office.
• Purse Bingo! First, a big thank you to all who have purchased tickets, donated tablecloths and candies, and shared our social media posts to promote our BIG spring fundraiser!
Second, the event is just days away. April 10th is the date. Doors open at 5:30 pm at the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge at 813 W. Smith Valley Rd. Games begin at 6:30 pm.
Want to get involved?
1.) Purchase tickets for the event.
2.) Become a sponsor. The deadline for sponsorship is Wednesday, April 3rd at 3 pm. Email jmcmanus@ol-g.org for sponsorship information.
A shout out to Hensley Legal, B and K Construction, The Stacked Cookie, Under One Woof, Cheryl Halik State Farm Insurance Agent, Neighbor Steve, Mike/Dana McManus, Anonymous Friend of OLG, and The Grill Bar for their sponsorship.
3.) Share our event's social media post on your FB page, with colleagues, co-workers, and family members.
Finally, this event raises funds to serve every child in the school. Teachers utilize the profits to teach creatively, individualize instruction, purchase software, and meet the educational needs of our student body. Help us help you!
• Meeting next Wednesday (4/10) at 4:30pm in the school office. We are finalizing our Teacher Appreciation Week plans!
• Ready for 2024-25 School Year? The link is now open for pre-ordering school supplies, reducing some of that worry in July / August! NOTE: Some items are optional to order, however, they are still required for the classroom. Examples are calculators, earbuds / headphones, rulers, scissors, etc. Pre-Ordering is optional, families are welcome to shop for their own items!
2024-25 School Supplies - PreOrder Option
• Spirit Wear: The Our Lady Of Greenwood Spring Spirit Wear Sale ends at midnight! Don't miss your chance to save 25% off the entire site including Nike and Adidas! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/34029. While the sale ends tonight, keep this link as you can order anytime— and, orders go straight to your house! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/34029.
Athletics athletics@ol-g.org
• Parents: Please be considerate of parking in the school lot after school. Kickball practices and games are beginning. Would hate to accidentally dent your car :)
• Out of Uniform Days - Spend at least $200 in RaiseRight purchases by the end of April. Use the attached form here (also available in the office) to earn dress down days for your family even if you don't have an online account.
• Need help getting started? Contact RaiseRight coordinator Eric Moster at emoster78@gmail.com or 317-432-7521
Enrollment 5LFDEF776L766
Community News
• Easter Egg Hunt - Knights of Columbus Council #6138 is hosting the 30th annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sat., April 6, 2024, (the Saturday after Easter Sunday) at 11 a.m. at the field south of Our Lady of the Greenwood School. We’ll have a hunt for kids 4 and younger and kids 5 and older. It’s FREE with donation of a canned or boxed food item for the OLG Food Pantry. In case of inclement weather, we will hold this event in Madonna Hall. For more information, contact Alan Inkenbrandt at alinken@gmail.com.
From Roncalli
• Royal Girls’ Basketball Spring Workouts!
Who: All incoming 7th and 8th graders for the 2024-25 school year are invited to Royal Girls’ Basketball Spring Workouts!
Parents can follow the Master Schedule (linked below) to know when and where we workout after school. Please note that the first location listed is where we will begin and the second gym listed is where we will end. Parents are encouraged to check the schedule on workout days at 1:30 pm as this is when Coach Sims will make any changes if needed. This is a LIVE document that should be checked often.
Girls Basketball Master Schedule
Spring workouts will be divided between basketball training drills and sports performance workouts. We do a weight room workout for our Jr. High girls that are not weight bearing (with some small exceptions) and are more agility and function oriented.
• 2024 Roncalli Summer Sports Camps - Families can access all camp information and register online at roncalli.org/camps. Registration opened up March 1st! Brochures are available in the OLG school office.
• Roncalli Academic Summer Camps are Back! Review all of this summer's experiences at https://boostmyschool.com/roncalli-academic-summer-camps-2024.
• Join Us for Roncalli ROAR 2024!
Saturday, April 27, 2024
5:30 PM
Roncalli High School
Ascension St. Vincent Gymnasium
Roar is Roncalli's favorite annual fundraiser that you won't want to miss. All funds raised at Roar benefit our students, families, faculty and staff. Purchase tickets at https://e.givesmart.com/events/Ac8/?isOrderFormActive=true.
School: 881-1300::::Fax: 885-5005::::Website: school.ol-g.org. To submit an item for the Eagle Flyer, e-mail to office@ol-g.org. All items must be approved by the principal.