
Our Lady of The Greenwood School, an Indiana Department of Education Grade A School for grades preschool - 8th, and a 2010 National Blue Ribbon School, walks with your family to help you unite faith with academic excellence. With a strong faculty and staff, we support you in your vision for your children.

You know faith is important. You want your children to become caring and responsible people who rely on God as their source of inspiration and empowerment. Through our Religion program, worship life, service projects, and dedication to the Catholic Church’s sacraments, we weave a tapestry life-long commitment to education and faith. In Him we move, grow, learn, and have our being. Your children will experience this every day throughout the day.

You know the high level of reading and math required in a global and specialized world. In our Reading, Language Arts, and Math programs, we strive to not only provide solid foundations, but we also develop higher order thinking skills. Children work co-operatively. Learners are met where they are through differentiated instruction. Technology is integrated into all subject areas. 

You know your children are heart and soul, more than a number on a test score. Our music program provides performance opportunities. In the middle grade years, band is offered. The art program allows children to meet the masters while creating their own masterpieces. Physical education gives kinesthetic learners time to explore and enhance their learning modalities. 

You know your children are fascinated by our world. Our Science and Social Studies programs give the children a place to make sense out of what is around them. Putting together the puzzle pieces from the past with the ever-changing present is what we love to do. The absolute beauty of it all is that we can do all this work through the lens of faith. As people of God, we can ask the tough question of what are we called to do to make our world the Kingdom of God while always pointing to the Resurrection as the ultimate sign of hope.

Continuous Learning Plan

In 2020, OLG Committed to a Continuous Learning Plan through the Indiana Department of Education. You can review our commitment here.


ILEARN is the Indiana standardized test mandated for students in grades 3-8 in the subject areas of English, Math, Science and Social Studies.

We appreciate your assistance with the following suggestions to help your child be prepared and confident for the test:

  • Please make sure that your child arrives on time.

  • If possible, please do not schedule appointments during your child’s testing window.

  • Encourage your child to get a good night’s sleep and to eat a healthy breakfast.

  • Remind your child to do his or her personal best. Help your child to relax, but to also realize the importance of working hard.

IDOE ILEARN Assessment Page

Resources to help your child prepare for ILEARN:

The Released Items Repository provides sample tests for all grade levels and content areas. Students can practice answering questions and using the different tools that are available.

Below please find links for practice tests and website to practice fact fluency:

Achieve the Core Math – lessons, examples and practice assessments

Prepdog – click on grade level. Many practice tests available.

It is very important that students are fluent with their math facts when attempting to solve multi step problems. These links are perfect for practicing those facts!

Sheppards Software

Xtra Math


Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic School is committed to using technology to prepare students for high school, college, and careers. The goal of technology in the classroom is to create a learning environment consistent with advances in technology and facilitates resource sharing, critical thinking, innovation, research, creativity, communication, collaboration, increased productivity and mobile learning. The opportunity to be creative and collaborative makes technology an integral part of the education of young people. In addition to teaching students technology skills, we have an obligation to instruct them on how to be responsible and ethical users of technology.

Read the full Technology Plan

Download the Technology and Internet Use Policy

Review the Student/Parent Technology Agreement