Faculty & Staff
Kent Clady
Jan McManus
Director of Advancement
Lucia Begley
Administrative Assistant
Desirae Speering
Pre-K 3’s
Monica Pavey
Beth Mohr
Adriana Scarpatti
Kindergarten & Resource Assistant
Kelli Stanley
Shannon Bullock
Grade 1
Mari Prior
Grade 1
Alex Dull
Grade 2
Lisa Rogers
Grade 2
Chelsa Langenderfer
Grade 3
Ann Sonderman
Grade 3
Grade 4
Becky Floyd
Grade 4
Megan Hillstrom
Grade 5
Jimmy Wiltsee
Grade 5
Tracy Davis
Middle School Language Arts
Aileen Jackson
Middle School Literature
Vanessa Mathis
Middle School Social Studies
Kristen Kreicker
Middle School Science
Angie Samuelson
Middle School Religion
Bruce Shadiow
Middle School Math
Ashley Neeson
Megan Justice
Pam White
Physical Education
Greg Wegesin
Mary Schultz
Reading Internventionist
Amy Parrott
Resource, JCSS
Lori Johnson
Resource Assistant
Cara Pyle
Speech, JCCS
Bridget Zobel
Social Worker
Chris Crowe
Cafeteria Manager
Sarah Denk
John Jester
School Commission
The mission of the School Commission is to assist the pastor and principal in the oversight of the Our Lady of the Greenwood School.